Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The Dalek Civil War

Imperial Daleks
Renegade Daleks
Dalek Emperor 
Okay Modern Whovians I'm going to tell you a brutal story of the Dalek Civil War and I'll use some slang so you young ones can understand. So to explain why the Daleks were having a war I will explain how they existed. On Skaro there was a war between the Thals and the Kaleds. Davros, on the Kaleds side, decided he must improve the Kaleds so he created a suit of armour called Mark III Travel Machine or later to be known as a Dalek. Yes, Dalek is an anagram of Kaled and TORCHWOOD is an anagram of Doctor Who. Anyway the Daleks were destroying the Thals. Okay I'm too sure about this but this is the gist of it. The Doctor made some Daleks disagree with Davros and create the Dalek Emperor and they would be called Renegade Daleks. They abandoned Davros so Davros helped the Thals and destroyed the Renegade Daleks. Then Davros created a new type of Dalek called the Imperial Dalek. Then there were some survivors of Renegade Daleks and they got in a war with the others. What I find interesting is that the Imperials are white and Renegade are balck I don't know if it's just me but this might not be about Daleks. Eventually the Renegade won and exterminated Davros. But Davros returned in, write this down, Remembrance of the Daleks which was a great episode and he had a Dalek called the Special Weapons Daleks which was awesome it just had a blaster and no eye stalk and it looked so cool. Davros had a plan as he was disguised as the Dalek Emperor. They were on Earth when this happened as they believed that the Hand of Omega, a powerful source of power to help them with time travel stuff. At the end the Imperial race won which is great as Davros created them and that's what you deserve when you abandon your true leader but the Doctor booby trapped the hand and made it that when Davros opened it Skaro exploded and meant the Imperial race died out. I still don't understand how the Doctor was on Skaro in Asylum of the Daleks. After the Time War there were these bronze Daleks who you find out survived from the Time Wat and were......... Renegade. They got destroyed by Rose though. Later on in Journeys End you see Davros is with these Daleks for some reason and then they blew up in the worst episode of all time as it made no sense. Nobody knows what side the new Paradigm Daleks are on. Well hopefully you young Modern Whovians learnt something chortle chortle tallyho. I'm going to talk to you normally now. Bye.

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