Friday 25 November 2011

The Sonic Screwdriver

I think there have been 11 Sonic Screwdrivers. The Sonic Screwdriver can lock and unlock doors and stuff. The
 worked out how to make stuff not in use of sonic ness. So why don't the . The latest model has come from the  always keeps his sonic on him unless it was taken.  use to have a lazer spanner but it was stolen. Bye.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Doctor Who's 48th Anniversary

It's Doctor Who's 48th anniversary. The first episode was called The Unearthly Child. Between 48 years there have been 223 episodes. There have been 48 years of it. So if you did your maths you would know it was at 23rd November 1963.  originally could regenerate 8 times then 20 and then 900 something. We have discovered that  are thick, the universe is made out of the crack, the ultimate question is doctor who? And  aren't monks. It has brought life to the world and I think there have been 11 s Between the time of 48 years  has aged 194 years. Bye.