Monday 21 January 2013

How is Clara Alive?

How is Clara alive I think is the ultimate question. I have a theory that she is a teselecta. The Silence ( religion) created her to kill The Doctor. As the teselecta saved the Doctor they messed up time so they had to kill him. They get help from the Silence who already know the Doctor has got away thanks to the blue guy. They make "Clara" to get close to  and kill him when it matters most. The Silence made a deal with the Daleks to "forget" about the Doctor. Also in A Good Man Goes To War Strax died. The Silence saved him using the machine he tried to save Clara with and he had to pretend that Clara died for his life. Clara being able to live for ever will intrigue the Doctor like other Moffat characters like Sherlock and Tintin they both want to find answers like the Doctor will. Also here is just a little thing, the Doctor deleting data of him self means he is falling in the Silence's trap by stopping the question being asked. Bye.  

Sunday 6 January 2013

Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2 Episode Titles

Doctor Who Series 7 part 2 episodes are here. I don't know a lot but I know episode 1 is called St John's Bells, episode 10 is called The Crimson Horror, episode 11 is called Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, episode 13 is called the Last Cyberman. There is an episode called The Ring of Akhaten. There is an episode called Cold War. There is also an episode called Hide.I know this as if you go on IMDb and go on Doctor Who 2013 you see this. I also know there will be an episode called Phantoms of the Hex might be episode 12.I'll update this as I find out more. I'm quite excited for series 7 part 2. I do find it annoying that it's in 2 parts. I'll enjoy to see more of the new TARDIS and the new Cybermen. Also can't wait till 50th anniversary. Bye.