Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Daleks Review

The Daleks are by far my second favourite aliens. What I love most about them is how they have had a war. It makes you think much more of the characters and what position they're in. I think Terry Nation, creator of the Daleks in real life, wants wars to happen. The war against the Thals and when that was over they had a war against themselves. I love the shape of the Dalek as well. Everyone says they're not scary because they have a plunger and an egg whisker on them. But if you think about it Daleks are simply armour and weapons. In my book that's bad. Think about it something only made to kill. I do love the Daleks. Although nobody likes the recent Daleks I think they need metal as it looks stronger and more menacing. People say they look like a rainbow but the colour I am fine with the just shouldn't make it so bright. Just because- coughstevenmoffatcan'tmakegoodalienscough who said that anyway doesn't mean the Daleks are bad. Sorry this is so short compared to the Weeping Angels one I'm just better complaining. Bye.

Monday 25 February 2013

The Cybermen Review

The Cyberman Review startssssss now! I think the classic Cybermen are better then the recent Cybermen as I find that they have more of a back story but of course the new ones haven't been around too long. I don't like the Cybus industries on the Cybermen. I find though the Cybermen represent a trans-humanist world and the main issues with it. It does add a philosophical question of what makes you human and it makes sense that you can't just have a bit of the body you need every component.
I think humans are sometimes stupid with particular situations. It never comes to mind that they could be safe as all Cybermen. The Cybermen will be making a return and I hope they are the original Cybermen. The design of the Cybermen are at times disappointing. I think the Cybermen should have a bit of human parts to them and as time progresses it gets overcome by technological parts. I think the Cybermen though are scary mainly because of how you can hear them stomping and how they are made out of hard solid metal. What I think spoilt the Cybermen is how they have lasers on their arms. I think they should be holding guns like they use to.

Vote Yes on legalising guns.

Just kidding.

They look tougher to the new Daleks as you can't see the metal on the Daleks. I think metal always looks tougher. I do love the Cybermen and I would be fine if someone were to say they were there favourite alien. Although I wouldn't as now there robots and I would actually walk away if they said that there favourite robot is Daleks. They are not robots!!!!!!! Bye.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Dalek Invasion 2013 AD

Have you ever seen the Doctor Who Movies with Peter Cushing?

Basically there were some spin off films which one called Dalek Invasion 2150AD which came out in 1965 which was one year before The Doctor regenerated meaning no one knew that would happen so in the film. Doctor Who and his Granddaughter Susan who is a little girl go to the future and find out Earth was invaded by Daleks. But Doctor Who is a human and tells everyone his name is Doctor Who Ahhhh!. Anyway there is a very memorable moment in the film here:

But they recreated this for a Doctor Who Documentary for the 50th anniversary called An Adventure in Space and Time or as I call it a DocWhomentary, I came up with that myself yes I am funny. Chortle chortle.  Here is the recreation:

Mark Gattis is writing it and it's going to be about the making of Doctor Who or Something. David Bradley, the guy who played Solomon in Dinosaurs in a Spaceship, will be playing William Hartnell and Reece Shearsmith will play Patrick Troughton. I don't know who will play my favourite Doctor Jon Pertwee. Maybe they'le reverse the polarity of the acting flow. Chortle chortle.

I'm really excited for the DocWhomentary. Bye.

The Eleventh Doctor Review

Just so I'm clear this is a review on The Eleventh Doctor not Matt Smith. He is not my favourite. I think the issue is that I'm growing up and little kids love Matt Smith and middle aged women love Matt Smith. Little kids love him because he's funny and middle aged women love him, I quote "Coz he's soooooooooo hot!". I think he is made for America. I came in when it was the 9th Doctor and I think that's a fine place to start but to me it seems like America started on Matt Smith and then find out about Tennant and Ecclestone. Matt Smith has all these catchphrases and I hate that. "Bow ties are cool." says Matt Smith "Ha ha ha, he made a joke about his bow tie!" says rubbish annoying American Doctor Who fan who came in on Steven Moffat era. There is a thing about the Eleventh Doctor which I don't like maybe because it's different or it's bad and that is that his character evolves. I have an idea that The Doctor and Amy's relationship changes as they get older. In series 5 the new Doctor has recently been born and so has Amy. They grow up together but then Amy get's married and becomes a mum and at the end when Amy and Rory have died, rest in peace, he is a crying baby. The Doctor's character changes and it's weird and strange and it's as if he's regenerated. Sorry about this short post ,"It's cooool!" replies annoying Doctor Who fan, but I just want to tell you the Eleventh Doctor sucks.
Yes this is my first gif.

Rory Theories

I'm going to talk about some Rory theories, yey!

I find this theory really funny. There is a theory that Rory is The Master. Chortle chortle. People think this as:
1. There was a fob watch in Amy and Rory's house suggesting he turned himself into a human.
2. He wasn't surprised that the TARDIS is bigger on the inside.
3. In the God Complex his room was the exit, which clearly it is, and he is trying to escape from hiding.
4. In Let's Kill Hitler Rory said that there was a banging in his head after River regenerated.
Here are the issues:
1. Rory's dad probably bought over a fob watch to tell the time to keep track of his cube diary.
2. He studied about it.
3.The Master's biggest fear is The Doctor also there is a theory that Rory's room is the exit as he doesn't want to risk his life with The Doctor.
4. I don't know.

I find that if this were to happen it would be quite distressing to have a nice character to turn out to be The Master.

This is a really interesting theory that there is something wrong with Rory's timeline. We assume that Rory is in the same year as Amy meaning they are roughly the same age. In Dinosaurs in a Spaceship Rory said he was 31 years old. But by peoples calculations he is about 26. One big thing though is that on his id card as a nurse it said he was issued in 1990. That means he became a nurse at roughly the age of 5. or it meant he was born then and was 20 years old and not in uni. Everyone thinks this is on purpose and not a continuity error I think it's a continuity error. Although it would be funny if it does happen and someone reads it and goes "WHAT AN IDIOT!"
Some people think The Doctor created an alternate universe some how I don't understand it I'll be honest you can find out if you care.

Just an extra one I have found out about. Rory is Omega!

Doctor Who fans are great.

And no when I say other people I'm not referring to myself. Bye.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

The Dalek Civil War

Imperial Daleks
Renegade Daleks
Dalek Emperor 
Okay Modern Whovians I'm going to tell you a brutal story of the Dalek Civil War and I'll use some slang so you young ones can understand. So to explain why the Daleks were having a war I will explain how they existed. On Skaro there was a war between the Thals and the Kaleds. Davros, on the Kaleds side, decided he must improve the Kaleds so he created a suit of armour called Mark III Travel Machine or later to be known as a Dalek. Yes, Dalek is an anagram of Kaled and TORCHWOOD is an anagram of Doctor Who. Anyway the Daleks were destroying the Thals. Okay I'm too sure about this but this is the gist of it. The Doctor made some Daleks disagree with Davros and create the Dalek Emperor and they would be called Renegade Daleks. They abandoned Davros so Davros helped the Thals and destroyed the Renegade Daleks. Then Davros created a new type of Dalek called the Imperial Dalek. Then there were some survivors of Renegade Daleks and they got in a war with the others. What I find interesting is that the Imperials are white and Renegade are balck I don't know if it's just me but this might not be about Daleks. Eventually the Renegade won and exterminated Davros. But Davros returned in, write this down, Remembrance of the Daleks which was a great episode and he had a Dalek called the Special Weapons Daleks which was awesome it just had a blaster and no eye stalk and it looked so cool. Davros had a plan as he was disguised as the Dalek Emperor. They were on Earth when this happened as they believed that the Hand of Omega, a powerful source of power to help them with time travel stuff. At the end the Imperial race won which is great as Davros created them and that's what you deserve when you abandon your true leader but the Doctor booby trapped the hand and made it that when Davros opened it Skaro exploded and meant the Imperial race died out. I still don't understand how the Doctor was on Skaro in Asylum of the Daleks. After the Time War there were these bronze Daleks who you find out survived from the Time Wat and were......... Renegade. They got destroyed by Rose though. Later on in Journeys End you see Davros is with these Daleks for some reason and then they blew up in the worst episode of all time as it made no sense. Nobody knows what side the new Paradigm Daleks are on. Well hopefully you young Modern Whovians learnt something chortle chortle tallyho. I'm going to talk to you normally now. Bye.

Monday 18 February 2013

Weeping Angel Review

They cry because they are ashamed that Moffat created them
In past posts I just told you info but now I am going to start to add what I think of them but not just by saying I like it so here is my weeping angel review. I used to find the Weeping Angels new, different and scary but now I hate them, Before you leave my blog for eternity as I said that please read why. The worst thing about them is how they are invincible. When I first saw the Weeping Angels I assumed that a powerful gun could kill them like Rose had a gun that was powerful enough to that Dalek, but you can't kill Weeping Angels. The Doctor usually finds a weakness or some connection but it's a smart connection or a difficult weakness to get to except how Donna sneaked up on the Sontaran with out noticing. Yes I know that when they look at each other they're trapped for ever but it rarely happens and something could occur between them. In Time of the Angels and Flesh and Stone The Doctor luckily had a crack in time and space to save them but it didn't make sense why Amy remembered the soldiers and not Rory unless she loved the soldiers more. Possibly she's into to soldiers and for some reason had no feelings for Rory as a soldier. Anyway and in Angels Take Manhattan they just left them there. I think Moffat has gone "Hang on I created an invincible alien!" and now he has made them unrealistically easy to get away from. For example in Flesh and Stone they take a while to open a metal locked door but can't open a wooden door locked by a sonic probe. Even though Moffat probably knows how stupidly good they are and if he hasn't then he needs to wake up but he still puts them in every series he made. My next issue is ,yes that entire thing you read was only one complaint, the fans.
So many people say my favourite aliens are the Weeping Angels and reply why not the Daleks or the Cybermen or the Ice Warriors which will be returning in series 7 part 2. Then I ask what's your favourite episode, personally I would would say Doomsday, and they say the Weeping Angels. What! What! What!!!!!! does that mean there is no episode called the Weeping Angels. It makes me think are Weeping Angels destroying Whovians as we know and that is not in a Dalek Invasion. Well if you agree please comment and if you don't agree that's fine as long as you stay on my blog. Bye.

Monday 11 February 2013

Who is The Leader of The Silence?

Before you think anything I am not suggesting that The Doctor created the silence by saying who is the leader of the silence as in a previous post I mentioned that I hate it when people call The Doctor Doctor Who. Anyway my theory is that the Master created the Silence and Madame Koravian is The Rania as well as Harold Saxon's wife also being the Rani. I have no evidence to back this up but it would make sense for the 50th and also the Master is a trickster a hypnotist. He probably used those skills to brainwash River and to persuade people The Doctor should die. Also when the Doctor was about regenerate he thought of the Master wishing him to die. But the Master's greatest fear is the Doctor. Or maybe they'll be brothers like in Austin Powers. I f you have any theories tell me and I might make a post in your name about it. Bye.