Sunday 24 April 2011

The Impossible Astronaut

So a new episode of the series The Impossible Astronaut watch it before reading this. So you know what's happened 's dead and 's pregnant. Once I find out what those forget me aliens are called I'll post about them. Anyway I think the astronaut is Nixon, River Song but most likely 's Daughter what she calls herself Jefferson. River killed a good man so she might of killed him. But you could see the astronaut's mouth that looks like Nixon's. I don't think  was 1103. Those forget me aliens might be pregnantcy because she kept on forgetting. Oh yes is  dead again. And  doesn't have a third heart so he died.  killed her daughter. I'm still sure  isn't 1103 even though there's Jim the Fish. Well I'm very excited about Day of the Moon hopefully that well explain all including who River Song still the first rule of  he lies and he's in prison most likely Area 52. Bye.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

The Big Bang (Warning Watch Series 5 Before This)

I know what your thinking The Big Bang is the last episode of series 5.  is trapped in the Pandorica. The Pandorica is to trap the most deadly creature in the universe. Anyway,  as an  sees  with a fez and a mop and gives him his sonic to free him. He comes back and tells him once he's done to leave it in 's top pocket on the right. They put dead  in The Pandorica. Uses River Song's Vortex Manipulator. In the year 5145 She gives this blue guy her earrings that disable bombs. She got it from a blue man that I recognise from the CBBC trailer of series 6. Anyway  used it to go 1894 years into then future and  waited. He gets to the National Museum with  and Amelia. Sees a stone  that got rebooted by The Pandorica's light. Sees  as a guard and shoots the  puts on a fez and holds a mop. He gives  the sonic. Goes back realises that he has no sonic and tells to put it in 's pocket. Asked why Amelia is there sees his hand writing.  goes back in time post a letter in Amelia's house. Amelia says she's thirsty so he steels Amelia's old drink. Then sees himself dead and Amelia doesn't exist because of . Then  saves River Song and then goes to the roof of the museum. Then  gets shot by a  12 minutes before he saw himself dead. Then  ends up piloting the Pandorica into the exploding Tardis. Then  rewinds and goes through The Crack. Bye

Monday 18 April 2011


L.I.N.D.A stand for London, Investigation, 'N', Detective, Agency. They meet up every week and talk about . The  stopped all of them but Elton. Elton's first sighting of an alien was . And saw David Tennant and Billie Piper or in Doctor Who language  and . They soon turned into Musical L.I.N.D.A and then they pulled them self back together when the disguised  came. Bye.

The Hoix

The Hoix tried killing Elton in L.I.N.D.A and was lately shown in the episode The Pandorica Opens and it's most old site was in Love and Monsters. From my knowledge it hates water and loves meat. It looks like a bit like the  but it's mouth is different. Hardly anyone knows about the Hoix Bye.

Sunday 17 April 2011


The Scarecrows work for . They are a perfect disguise. But there's one thing  there actually stuffed up bits of hey so you can just pull their arm off. Bye.

The Family of Blood

have great noses and tried sniffing out The Doctor. He turned himself human with the trusty Time Lord Fob Watch. He called himself John Smith. A kid took his Fob Watch and had the scent of a Time Lord.  can take over bodies and have lazer guns. They have an army of Scarecrows. Bye.

The Pyroviles

 live in volcanoes in Ancient Rome. They are born in Pyrovillia where Bees also live. They are hot and got awoken from the volcano that destroyed Pompeii. Bye.


 or pilot fish is just a disguise. They use trump bones as weapons and shoot out of them. Their Robots and some know about Torchwood. The Doctor once stopped them with money. Bye.

The Wire

 eats people's faces off yummy. She was going to eat everyone's faces but The Doctor stopped her. I would count her as an alien and robot. Even though she's a T.V. Bye.

Vincent Van Gogh

 one of the best artist in the world. He killed The Krafayis and can see it.  is his biggest fan. If they had children they would have the ultimate ginge. He liked  so much he changed his picture. I think his biggest friend is the third person who wears a bow tie in series 5. Bye.

The Krafayis

The  is invisible but not to Vincent Van Gogh. The Doctor could see one  by a mirror his fairy god mother got him. It doesn't mean to kill but all of them are extinct but one so it felt lonely but it had to die. They found out that they had to see Van Gogh because they saw the  in one of his painting of a church. Bye.

The Reapers

I think  are nice. Ok carm down Who geeks. So they killed good people their still good them self. Rose's dad died Rose went back in time and saved him. So  come and replace deaths and still try killing Rose's dad with the same car that crashed into him. It was Jackie's wedding at the time. What doesn't make sense is Rose couldn't touch herself from the past or all her life would be at risk but  Pond could touch Amelia Pond. Bye.

Saturday 16 April 2011

The Krillitanes

The  can disguise as humans like the Slitheen, Prisoner Zero, Eknodine and the Abzorbaloff. They disguised as school teachers. K-9 helped destroy the bat like creatures. They can fly but not in human form. They are like The Reapers but not. Bye.

Old People

The  was a disguise they are actually old aliens that are tiny. But their old so the people turn into . One of the  is called Miss Poggins. They lived at Leadworth they are actually called the . They have one eye and can kill. They are O.A.P over angry pensioners. When they kill you turn into sand. I'm not sure if actually exist. Bye.

The Dream Lord

The Dream Lord not  is actually psychic pollen. It made   and  dream the same thing. It is actually   the dream lord just makes him evil it got stuck in the  and he owned that  so it does him. He or it put the gang in a tricky position die of old people or die from a frozen star.  had a pony tail in the dream in a dream and  was as  described an elephant (pregnant).  dies from old people but comes alive in the  but he dies again. If your reading my posts backwards not in word order you know the story because of . The Dream Lord wasn't convinced with bow ties shame we all know their cool. Bye.


The Silurians are lizard like aliens. They have lazers and live underneath Earth. One Silurian killed . They wanted to stop the digging because it was destroying their part of Earth.  made peace with them but a mum didn't. For thousand years they agreed to share Earth but what happens after thousand years. They use to have a red dot on there head and it would make you faint but they stopped because it looked stupid. They also made it look like the Earth was hungry. Bye.

Captain Jack

Captain Jack is in the Space Agency and now in . He is a time traveller like . Thanks to  he can die and come back to life with the same face. He usually flurts with people. He naturally gets older. He turned in to a giant head but  human is mini. Bye.

The Face of Boe

The Face of Boe is . He is a giant head. He was taken care of by  and is older then . Bye.

The Sisters Of Plenitude

The Sisters of Plenitude are like cats. They are nurses.  is a nurse but not a cat. They have the human body just the face and hands are like a cat. They live in New Earth in New New York. They are in the 15th century so they should live in New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. They lied to the people who live their and made clones. Bye.

Thursday 7 April 2011


The Vespiform's are bee's but not actually because bee's are . Wow! The Vespiform hate light like the . One of them drowned because of a signal and a human (Agatha Christie) had to work it all out after getting mind washed but she made another book in the year  3005 of a diary. The Vespiform took over bodies and when they get angry they start buzzing and in a blink ah blink 's ah it's a geek joke you'll understand. Anyway in a blink of the eye it shows it true form. A giant bee. Bye. 


The Carrionites are just females. They are like witches. They use magic and can fly. There are ugly and got destroyed by Shakespeare. Well I hardly know anything about them but I do know they want the world to be a place where magic is allowed. They do have witch stuff like a doll and potion. And I know they were trapped in section of Agatha Christie. Bye.

The Empty Child

The Empty Child process' people like  and . You can check if their there by clapping at night. They look like yellow flies but when they process they look like people with gas masks. The only can say are you my mummy? Most likely because the first person they take over wanted his mummy and the the words get a little bit muddled and the next person can just say that. Are you my mummy? Bye.

The Beast

The Beast is what we think it's called. The Beast processed the  and a man. I can't remember the man's name but I do remember that he had weird writing on him.  can read any language but he couldn't read that. Bye.                                                                                                                                  

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Prisoner Zero

No one knows what alien Prisoner Zero is. It takes months for Prisoner Zero to master just one person to take over. But if you do it for years you can do anyone in just seconds. Prisoner Zero got mixed up in one body. That the man and the dog would make a dog sound. When they take over body's they put you to sleep and what you dream is what Prisoner Zero looks like. Prisoner Zero was the first ever alien to see The Doctor say who da man. And was the second to mention the crack. And was the third, well you would want there to be a third stay on The Doctor's Third Heart. But if you come up with a third then post that to me if you hate this website. Bye.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


The Atraxi are intergalactic police. I know what about the  well there other space police. They are a giant eye. They travel in star ships and were last trying to stop Prisoner Zero. The Atraxi are stupid looking but who looks stupider  or Atraxi. Be a follower then I'll post to you and you reply. Bye.

Messaline and Hath

Messaline is where the Hath live. The Hath are fish creatures that breath on a particular green liquid. They were last sited in The Eleventh Hour. I know what your thinking if your a  Who Geek. The only  in The Eleventh Hour is ,    and a . Well in fact when the doctor says to the . Has this world been attacked it shows all the aliens including the Hath. The Hath got attacked for 7 days that felt like years as so many died. One Hath died from mud and no there is no mud alien from my knowledge. Messaline is damp and horrible and beautiful. Weird I know but I also know your weird if your still reading this so. Bye.

Monday 4 April 2011

The Autons

The Autons are plastic people.  was one and I don't know if he still is. They are controlled by the Nestene that is orange like . The Autons have a gun hand. They have 4 plastic fingers that bend down and show two bullet guns. They look like shop dummies and disguise as them. One disguised as a bin and ate Mickey 's boy friend and to show that they're evil is they burped how unpleasant. Bye.


Rose Tyler is an old companion. She's one of the most famous. She is played by Billie Piper who is a singer and an actor. She is doing a program with Matt Smith who plays . She was last shown on Journeys End series 4. Most people thought it was the end when she got trapped in parallel world in . Then she saw a hologram  of David Tennant in Bad Wolf Bay. Bad Wolf is evil. It is not a were wolf it's a sign of evil.  had it. The Tardis got grafited with Bad Wolf but lets not go to a different subject. Rose first was shown with the autons that are plastic people. She like  has a boy friend. Mickey and  are very the same. Rose's mum is called Jackie the women who said that said she was going to die from a Christmas tree. Bye.     

Saturday 2 April 2011

The Sycorax

The Sycorax are literally rock. Not as much as . They have whips. If you get whipped you turn in to bones. The Sycorax invade in millions. They have a helmet and can teloport people and things like the . They have swords. One of the generals chopped 's hand off. But as he was still regenerating his hand just grew back.  always surprise you. As the tenth Doctor said "You just chopped my hand off but I'm still in mid regeneration so I can do this. I got a new hand and it's a fighting hand!" The Sycorax have ships that are rocks not actually, just looks like it. The Sycorax have blood control thanks to Guinevere One that had the most popular kind of blood on Earth. Also a Christmas tree nearly killed Rose, Mickey and Jackie. Jackie said A tree is going to kill me. How it nearly killed them was because it was spinning so fast it would kill. Also the Sycorax have robot Santa's. And so did the  are  that can kill with their trumpets. Sycorax. Bye.


Torchwood is a secret. Captain Jack is in Torchwood. Torchwood exists in parallel world. Torchwood follows  . They know secrets about  . Torchwood is an anagram of  Who.  has admitted Torchwood is better. Even former prime minister Harriet Jones admitted. Harriet Jones has the catchphrase. Harriet Jones former prime minister, yes we know who you are. and  have said the catchphrase. Torchwood may know . Bye.

Friday 1 April 2011

Gallifrey/The Time Lords

Gallifrey is a orange planet. Where the Time Lords live. The Time Lords are one of the most powerful of aliens. They look like humans but so do lodes of aliens. For a Time Lord it is tricky to die because they can change how they look and their personality. Time Lords are born with a fob watch. The fob watch can not be opened or the Time Lord essence escapes. The fob watch has the memory and biology of a Time Lord who uses the Chameleon Arch. There was a lot of the fob watch in series 3.  is a child and so is . Yes if you looked at 's info it shows him a grown man but he's young (909). Well that's young to Time Lords because as I typed it's tricky to die for Time Lords. The Time Lords have no fashion sense. At Gallifrey their were 305 's and here's a fact the   is alive. Bye.