Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas Trees

Well first there was The Christmas Invasion ( the first episode with David Tennent ) there was a Christmas tree controlled by the Roboforms ( Santas ). In  the window and the wardrobe there were trees that made themselves in a way grow the royal family. 

The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe

I know. But it makes no sense how the plane survived in the Time Vortex. How did Madge work out how to drive the Androzani Harvester seeing how it has nothing to do with planes. The Harvest Rangers are so cool.
The wood aliens are a bit rubbish. All in all it was okay. But I love how  and  have a blue house.

Friday 25 November 2011

The Sonic Screwdriver

I think there have been 11 Sonic Screwdrivers. The Sonic Screwdriver can lock and unlock doors and stuff. The
 worked out how to make stuff not in use of sonic ness. So why don't the . The latest model has come from the  always keeps his sonic on him unless it was taken.  use to have a lazer spanner but it was stolen. Bye.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Doctor Who's 48th Anniversary

It's Doctor Who's 48th anniversary. The first episode was called The Unearthly Child. Between 48 years there have been 223 episodes. There have been 48 years of it. So if you did your maths you would know it was at 23rd November 1963.  originally could regenerate 8 times then 20 and then 900 something. We have discovered that  are thick, the universe is made out of the crack, the ultimate question is doctor who? And  aren't monks. It has brought life to the world and I think there have been 11 s Between the time of 48 years  has aged 194 years. Bye.

Saturday 1 October 2011

The Wedding of River Song

Steven Moffat you did it again. But how did the robot regenerate? I like how the trained soldiers shoot Silence and fail but  with her trusty machine gun that she got out from somewhere can kill some Silence. I like how much they like to kill . I think the eye patches are a  Who trend. The cheesy question is  Who? I like the celebration that  and River make.


You got to love Gibbis. Acted by David Waliams. He Always likes to surrender. He's scared of weeping angels but who isn't. He's a sort of nearest galaxy sort of guy. He looks like a cat. But not like The Sisters of Plenitude look more like cats. He has a hanky. Bye.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Closing Time

Well done Gareth Roberts. Only the ending was good. I found it stupid how the  got beaten by love. The notes were clever. I knew that River was the astronaut. 's famous The Girl Who Was Tired of Waiting. I still find it weird how  died his hair. The Cybercontroller was quite cool. The Cybercontroller was first formed as John Lumic. The Cybermat has lovely teeth may need to floss. So excited about the next episode. Bye. 

Saturday 17 September 2011

Doctor Who Catchphrases

I'm going to do a whole list of Doctor Who catchphrases starting                  now      Geronimo, Bow ties are cool, Allons-y, It's bigger on the inside, Exterminate, Delete, Are you my mummy, Hello sweetie, Spoilers, This is a kindness do not be alarmed, Praise him, Yes we know who you are, Look in the corner of your eye, Fish Custurd, If it's alien it's our's, It's another dimension in space, Get him in the Tardis, It's a Tardis, Mr Smith I need you, Trust me I'm , My name is  just , You are unauthorised you will feel a sensational tingling sound when you die, Information, Were giving you 10 seconds and then were going to get you, You are the weakest link goodbye, I'm regenerating, I'm an alien, No, Yes, Run, You shall be catalogued, Crime is swift. Burn with me, Tell her , Yeh, Your getting married tomorrow, There's damp in this wall, Count the shadows. Don't blink, Where's your room?, Would you like a cup of tea?, Tweet, Tweet, We just want to play, I am Jennifer Lucas, Hello sexy, Ah-ha, Big Bang 2, The Pandorica is opening, Son-ta ha, Paint, Merry Christmas, Turn left, 4 knocks, Who turned off the lights?, An awful lot of running, It's called an Adipose, It's living fat, You Are Not Alone, Bad Wolf,  Harkness, I'm the tin dog, Hello Brigadear, It's a sonic screwdriver. Bye.

The Minotaur

The Minotaur is possible to kill by disbelief. It is so cool. Like it's a human bull it is one of the coolest aliens ever comment of you disagree. I would use the Tardis if I was him. I don't know how it kills but still. It sure knows some stuff about people. I'm guessing he used a transmat or something. Nice little machine it has. It's definitely a boy so I'll call him he. He's a nice guy I'm guessing. Has weekly job, eating people. A Minotaur was also featured on The Time Monster. Bye. 

The God Complex

By Toby Whithouse the same writer as Vampire's of Venice. A good episode but , what it's the 11th episode. Craigs in the next episode and Cybermen. Don't believe was the moral of the story was have no faith. , left with . So  has died, died, wiped out of existence, died in mind, wiped out of Doctor Who.  has taken over by prisoner zero, turned in to a doll, got taken over by praising and left  Who.  has died, died, died, died, died, died, died, died, died, died, died, 1103 version died very simple. David Walliams was good. He was cat, weird. I like the pictures of the Silurians and stuff. Praise Him. Bye. 

Saturday 10 September 2011

Peg Dolls

Three Muskateers
The Dolls turn you into dolls. They live surprisingly in a Doll house inside a cupboard. Not much people know things about the dolls. Bye.

The Handbots

The Handbots are a good idea. They see through their hand. Their heads open up to give health (only for particular aliens). Most likely androids. Where do they see through the hands? Bye. 


Appleapachia. I don't know how it's spelt but it is a lovely word. It was voted 2nd best planet in the top ten in the universe (not including the plug hole). And home of the one day plague. Bye.

The Girl Who Waited

Written by Tom MacRae. A good episode based in
 but it would of made more sense if they had eyes. I like the  pet. Weird glasses, how do you turn it on? The Green Anchor and Red Waterfall was quite cool. It took ages to do.  The graphics were very different to Steven Moffat. It was all filmed in The Wales Millennium Centre. Bye.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Night Terrors

All in all a pretty good episode. When will the Dad or Alex tell the Mum that he's an alien. When I saw the the monsters. The Dolls were a good idea. I feel sad for the landlord . The Doll House was quite obvious. All George said was save me from the monsters. Marcus Wilson was a good actor. Also that's the second person that got sucked into a bin. The old lady, Mickey, maybe parellel world Mickey and old lady. Just to warn you it's not madly an important episode for this series as it's not written by Steven Moffat. Slowly rock slowly rocks tick tock goes the clock even for The Doctor, is the rhyme they sing. Bye.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Let's Kill Hitler

Well River's that little girl in washington. Oh what a surprise! Presumably what The Doctor whispered to River was to dress up in an astronaut suit then kill The Doctor. Make sure normal River or you to her to shoot the other one of you in the astronaut suit use your regeneration to heel me and use it as flames. Or The Doctor gets fleshed. Or the blue shots of the astronaut is to minimize The Doctor as the astronaut is the robot thingie. Whatever all in all it was an alright episode. Bye.

Friday 1 July 2011

Martha Jones

Why did she marry Mickie why does she have an identical cousin who coinsidently works in Torchwood stay as a nurse run of oxygon on the moon. Osterhargen Key just no. Martha you're the worst thing in  Who ever.

Sunday 26 June 2011

The Headless Monks

The Headless Monks are not on any ones side and are actually headless. They have one of the least scariest names. Headless, quite scary then monk just don't go there. They have a fire sword and can zap stuff out of  their hands. Also they were mentioned on Time of Angels, the last Daloria Ride or something. We don't know much  about them I will update it. Bye.

Thursday 16 June 2011

River Song Revealed !

Melody Pond. Yes River Song is 's daughter. No one thinks about . I think he's like Hans Moleman the writers just kill him off every time. Oh yeah it would be really good to know River Songs birthday. How was  still meant to have a Roman costume.  or  said that the only water in a forest is a River (Song) except for the song bit. She always explodes or shoots 's hat. But she has no sense of fashion on her birthday. The prison guards always lets her off maybe for a bit of time but still she can time travel. Bye.

Saturday 4 June 2011

A Good Man Goes to War


A good episode you said it would obviously be good but if you could I would say yes. River Song is revealed. So Melody 's daughter. What happened to forest in what  said. The next episode is very weird and it's called Let's Kill Hitler. The Fat One yes that's what it shows in the credits. He was in the year 5145. When was  still a Roman. It will be back at AUTUMN!. Bye.

Saturday 28 May 2011

The Almost People

Ok, 's pregnant eye patch women. Well it's going to pop. She looks different every time. See if you go on the official doctor who website you see a big fat blue guy so I was right. The ganger  had to be good. Cleeves I thought was bad at first, so exited about A Good Man Goes To War. . Bye.

Friday 27 May 2011

Tardis (2)

A Type 40 Tardis names are funny. So there's some words that Tardis said what that women who was biting The Doctor. Well she is the Tardis and she likes to be called Sexy. The body Tardis took over was made outside the universe or down the plug hole and that's what happened to Sexy. Down the plug hole to a blue box.

Sunday 22 May 2011

President Nixon

President Nixon was the president of America and helped to destroy . Bye.

The Siren

The Siren was featured in the worst episode ever. The Siren is a nurse but rubbish and not intelligent. She kill's germs and makes sure they come by marking a black spot and then sings and they come.

The Curse of the Black Spot

Sorry but a rubbish episode I just hate it just bad, disgraceful. Bye. 

Canton Older

Canton Delaware 2011.jpgWe don't know much about him like an older person. But The Doctor did invite him but he would need to be older then 70 so yeah. Bye.


Canton is a FBI agent but nearly retired because of his wife. He had a meeting with President Nixon about Jefferson. He also works at Area 52. He quite nice and a good agent. Bye.

Thursday 19 May 2011

The Doctor's Wife

The episode is one of the best I didn't post about Day of the Moon, I think the  is 's and 's daughter. Anyway The Doctor's Wife is one of my favourites by Neil Gamain. Yes, Tardis is the Mona Lisa. It does explain why the Tardis was unlocked. She wanted to go somewhere and he was the only crazy one enough to agree. Watch it 2 times it makes more sense at the beginning if you remember the end. It wasn't what I thought it would be but it still was good and at Boxing Day the vote for favourite episode in series 6 poll will be open so only about half a year yey time goes quickly. I'm sure you'll start laughing when it's boxing day. Bye.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Sunday 8 May 2011

The Silence

  I found out their name so I found it out on  I know it didn't say it's name but in the credits it did. I think they are based on the painting The Scream. Anyway when you look away you forget them, there ship looks like the , River and  used tallies to remember.

Sunday 24 April 2011

The Impossible Astronaut

So a new episode of the series The Impossible Astronaut watch it before reading this. So you know what's happened 's dead and 's pregnant. Once I find out what those forget me aliens are called I'll post about them. Anyway I think the astronaut is Nixon, River Song but most likely 's Daughter what she calls herself Jefferson. River killed a good man so she might of killed him. But you could see the astronaut's mouth that looks like Nixon's. I don't think  was 1103. Those forget me aliens might be pregnantcy because she kept on forgetting. Oh yes is  dead again. And  doesn't have a third heart so he died.  killed her daughter. I'm still sure  isn't 1103 even though there's Jim the Fish. Well I'm very excited about Day of the Moon hopefully that well explain all including who River Song still the first rule of  he lies and he's in prison most likely Area 52. Bye.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

The Big Bang (Warning Watch Series 5 Before This)

I know what your thinking The Big Bang is the last episode of series 5.  is trapped in the Pandorica. The Pandorica is to trap the most deadly creature in the universe. Anyway,  as an  sees  with a fez and a mop and gives him his sonic to free him. He comes back and tells him once he's done to leave it in 's top pocket on the right. They put dead  in The Pandorica. Uses River Song's Vortex Manipulator. In the year 5145 She gives this blue guy her earrings that disable bombs. She got it from a blue man that I recognise from the CBBC trailer of series 6. Anyway  used it to go 1894 years into then future and  waited. He gets to the National Museum with  and Amelia. Sees a stone  that got rebooted by The Pandorica's light. Sees  as a guard and shoots the  puts on a fez and holds a mop. He gives  the sonic. Goes back realises that he has no sonic and tells to put it in 's pocket. Asked why Amelia is there sees his hand writing.  goes back in time post a letter in Amelia's house. Amelia says she's thirsty so he steels Amelia's old drink. Then sees himself dead and Amelia doesn't exist because of . Then  saves River Song and then goes to the roof of the museum. Then  gets shot by a  12 minutes before he saw himself dead. Then  ends up piloting the Pandorica into the exploding Tardis. Then  rewinds and goes through The Crack. Bye

Monday 18 April 2011


L.I.N.D.A stand for London, Investigation, 'N', Detective, Agency. They meet up every week and talk about . The  stopped all of them but Elton. Elton's first sighting of an alien was . And saw David Tennant and Billie Piper or in Doctor Who language  and . They soon turned into Musical L.I.N.D.A and then they pulled them self back together when the disguised  came. Bye.

The Hoix

The Hoix tried killing Elton in L.I.N.D.A and was lately shown in the episode The Pandorica Opens and it's most old site was in Love and Monsters. From my knowledge it hates water and loves meat. It looks like a bit like the  but it's mouth is different. Hardly anyone knows about the Hoix Bye.

Sunday 17 April 2011


The Scarecrows work for . They are a perfect disguise. But there's one thing  there actually stuffed up bits of hey so you can just pull their arm off. Bye.

The Family of Blood

have great noses and tried sniffing out The Doctor. He turned himself human with the trusty Time Lord Fob Watch. He called himself John Smith. A kid took his Fob Watch and had the scent of a Time Lord.  can take over bodies and have lazer guns. They have an army of Scarecrows. Bye.

The Pyroviles

 live in volcanoes in Ancient Rome. They are born in Pyrovillia where Bees also live. They are hot and got awoken from the volcano that destroyed Pompeii. Bye.


 or pilot fish is just a disguise. They use trump bones as weapons and shoot out of them. Their Robots and some know about Torchwood. The Doctor once stopped them with money. Bye.