Wednesday 20 April 2011

The Big Bang (Warning Watch Series 5 Before This)

I know what your thinking The Big Bang is the last episode of series 5.  is trapped in the Pandorica. The Pandorica is to trap the most deadly creature in the universe. Anyway,  as an  sees  with a fez and a mop and gives him his sonic to free him. He comes back and tells him once he's done to leave it in 's top pocket on the right. They put dead  in The Pandorica. Uses River Song's Vortex Manipulator. In the year 5145 She gives this blue guy her earrings that disable bombs. She got it from a blue man that I recognise from the CBBC trailer of series 6. Anyway  used it to go 1894 years into then future and  waited. He gets to the National Museum with  and Amelia. Sees a stone  that got rebooted by The Pandorica's light. Sees  as a guard and shoots the  puts on a fez and holds a mop. He gives  the sonic. Goes back realises that he has no sonic and tells to put it in 's pocket. Asked why Amelia is there sees his hand writing.  goes back in time post a letter in Amelia's house. Amelia says she's thirsty so he steels Amelia's old drink. Then sees himself dead and Amelia doesn't exist because of . Then  saves River Song and then goes to the roof of the museum. Then  gets shot by a  12 minutes before he saw himself dead. Then  ends up piloting the Pandorica into the exploding Tardis. Then  rewinds and goes through The Crack. Bye

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