Saturday 2 April 2011

The Sycorax

The Sycorax are literally rock. Not as much as . They have whips. If you get whipped you turn in to bones. The Sycorax invade in millions. They have a helmet and can teloport people and things like the . They have swords. One of the generals chopped 's hand off. But as he was still regenerating his hand just grew back.  always surprise you. As the tenth Doctor said "You just chopped my hand off but I'm still in mid regeneration so I can do this. I got a new hand and it's a fighting hand!" The Sycorax have ships that are rocks not actually, just looks like it. The Sycorax have blood control thanks to Guinevere One that had the most popular kind of blood on Earth. Also a Christmas tree nearly killed Rose, Mickey and Jackie. Jackie said A tree is going to kill me. How it nearly killed them was because it was spinning so fast it would kill. Also the Sycorax have robot Santa's. And so did the  are  that can kill with their trumpets. Sycorax. Bye.

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