Saturday 4 May 2013

Doctor Who Review The Crimson Horror

The Crimson Horror is by Mark Gatiss. So The Doctor is into lesbians. One for the dads? I thought this was a pretty safe episode. So let's talk about the plot. So you start off in Victorian Yorkshire as you can tell by the thing that says Yorkshire 18something. I preferred how Neil Cross HIDEs it more. Get it HIDE. I am hilarious. Anyway so EDMUND NOT EDMUND has been taken into some thing and Mrs Gillyflower, played by Diana Rigg, informs that EDMUND HAS DIED... So skipping a bit Jenny, Vastra and Strax are investigating and there is something in the room. It was so obviously The Doctor because they wouldn't reveal a big monster at the beginning instead they release it at the middle-ish. So The Doctor gets un-redded and pops out. He explains what happened in a nice way with a different type of camera style with pictures in between. This is a really nice and effective way of presenting something. You later find out Mr Sweet is a little red thing sucking on Diana Rigg's ... well anyway. I have a subscription for Doctor Who Adventures. They released the magazine early so it already showed Mr Sweet which I'm very angry about. But even with out knowing before hand the reveal of Mr Sweet doesn't really add much. Only if it was the GI. Actually where is the Great Intelligence. There going to be in the finale so why isn't there more of a build up. Mrs Gillyflower ends up releasing a rocket. Hang on a rocket. Mr Sweet is prehistoric not from the future. Where did they get the resources for the rocket? How does Diana know that Mr Sweet is called Mr Sweet? How could they of been able to create a rocket with out Mr Sweet being able to tell them? Then it goes and they do the most obvious thing of taking out the poison, which somehow Mrs Gillyflower knows is poison. Strax is on the roof and later on somehow gets down. Sorry nitpick. Clara goes back to modern day. She sees images from her past adventures in the past and sees an image of her in Victorian London. .......... . Also the two kids will be in the next episode. Yey. This part felt like it could be in another episode. It felt very forced build up to the next episode. WARICK DAVIS WILL BE IN THE NEXT EPISODE!!! All of this is a very simple set up but I don't think it worked.

Let's talk about characters. How about Ada. Wow what an amazing performance by Rachael Stirling. She came out as quite creepy and nice. She was really nice and I'm sure that a lot of people are going to complain about her killing her mum is out of character but I don't think so. Overall a nice character and her story was quite sad.

Now let's talk about Mrs Gillyflower. Really great acting by Diana Rigg and how she treats Rachael Stirling her own daughter, who is played by her daughter in real life, comes out as bitter and cold. I have one issue though. That is her motives. She doesn't have much of a reason why she is
           The Doctor  
The alien couldn't of motivated her as it seems impossible for him to talk.
"...he's my silent partner,"
           Mrs Gillyflower
She came out as just a 2 dimensional character. And a bad character can be saved by a good actor/actress. But Diana Rigg plays her as she is on script which is a real shame.

Now let's talk about Clara. She did nothing.

Now let's talk about Strax played by Dan Starkey. Now let me say that Dan Starkey may be my favourite actor. I say this as recently he did a Q&A as Strax in costume for Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff for some kids. Here is a link HERE. Now he is very funny and obviously devoted to the role. He clearly must of done his research. Also he is clearly having a ball of a time. In the episode he is just great and you can tell when he was in his armour Strax and Dan must of been having a great time. I loved at the end when he was wearing a top hat. Many people want a Jenny, Vastra Strax spin off on CBBC or something. I agree. But the only issue is when they run out of Strax jokes and start to become old.

Now let's talk about The Doctor. Matt Smith was as good as usual. But why is The Doctor so into Jenny. He ends up snogging Jenny. Luckily Jenny slaps The Doctor because she is married but the Doctor seems to completely forget about River. Infact it seems like the Doctor's and River relationship is just built on flirting.

Now lets talk about the guy who said, "The Crimson Horror" He just came out as creepy and 2 dimensional.

I had a few issues mainly in plot and motives . For example why was Clara in a glass jar? Why didn't the Doctor try to save the other people? Ext. But there were some great parts. Like as I mentioned before, the camera style and presentation of what happened to Clara and The Doctor. I also liked the scene when Mrs Gillyflower died. It felt very satisfying. I quite liked the fast pace but at times it was quite boring. I think I will give this episode a 7/10. Bye

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