Sunday 19 May 2013

The Name of The Doctor Review

The Name of The Doctor was great or Fantastic! The opening sequence was great I love the bit on Gallifrey and BESSIE!! BESSIE!! 10/10!!!

Just kidding. But this is how to write a fan pleaser episode. Great directing by Saul Metzein. Not sure how to pronounce it. Well how this isn't a video review.


Anyway this was a great episode. Matt Smith, my god Matt Smith that is how to act. Seriously he was great. Clara's reveal was great and so well edited. The plot to this episode I'm not too sure what happened but whilst you're watching it makes sense somehow. What was going on with


Well hopefully that will be explained in the 50th. There is something that annoys about Moffat finales and that is that they have no real pay off. They well close one loose plot thread then open another one. But I have to judge the episode on individual merits. I think the episode is full of genius little things. For example that takes a stroke of genius to come up with the conference meeting. Also the amount of fan nods are greatly done and some how feel sutler than Attack of the Cybermen for example. This episode is great though and I can't think of any issues. Sure you can nitpick like how did the leaf come back or maybe that will be explained.

There are moments which only work when you've seen the series. Like a reward for watching it all. For example when the leaf falls and the Doctor saying this is all you ever were or will be. Now to someone just tuning in the Doctor sounds like an arshole. But to us it means something.

Now I have to talk about Jenny and Vastra. When Jenny died that almost made me cry. That is one of The Best Deaths on Doctor Who. But there is one issue with this. Her coming back to life. It was just handled so easily and kind of killed the moment. But I'll let it go as it lead for a good line from Vastra afterwards. Infact this was the first episode they seem like a couple.

Now let's talk about the Great Intelligence. Richard E Grant was much better than last time but that is not saying much. Also his motive makes no sense. Why does he want to make the Doctor's life a misery? The Whispermen were creepy. But why does Steven Moffat have a thing for invincible creatures? The weeping angels, Whispermen. Apparently he suggested to Neil Gaiman to make the Cybermen be able to upgrade on the spot. The Whispermen though are very creepy and great piece of design.

So overall this was a great episode. I think I'm going to give this episode 10/10 (not just because of bessie). I give it such a high score as there was so much it could of got wrong but it didn't. Also there were minor issues but they didn't lower my enjoyment. The Name of The Doctor was great television with a mix of dark themes great acting and humour which wasn't too forced. Next is the 50th Anniversary. Oh sorry I think I just had a fangasim. Bye.

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