Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Crack

The Crack is in series 5. It's a rip in time and space.  said there were cow boys. It was first shown when  met Amelia Pond (young  Pond). If you go in the crack you could get wiped out of existence. The crack was then sited in the Tardis. Then on future London. Then at Churchill's base. Then at a forest in a ship. Then underneath the Earth. Then in Roman times.  died in a dream then came back to life yey. But he dies in real life and then gets wiped out of existence. Then comes back to life as a Roman Auton and then kills  that comes back to life and every thing is back to normal except that  got a job as a security guard. It was in 's room. It's called a crack because Steven Moffat was thinking of freaky stuff. Bye.

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