Wednesday 30 March 2011


The Ood are good aliens but can get possessed. If you see an Ood with red eyes run. They get in-slaved and sold. They have a ball to speak with that is actually their spat brain yummy. Speaking of food there mouth looks like they don't like their spaghetti. And a human got turned into a Ood by Ood Sigma. Wait a second the human that got turned into an Ood the  didn't like and sigma is a part of the Fourth 's nickname weird. There is a circle around the Ood's freedom and the Ood say the circle must be broken. The Ood have been possessed by The Beast. When the   comes back to the Ood he see's an Ood with a massive fore-head. He holds hands with them and then they get red eyes and the Doctor runs away see always run away if you  see an Ood with red eyes thank you David Tennant. Any way it never explains why they had red eyes. I saw a trailer for series 6 and it showed an Ood with greeny yellow eyes. The Ood can kill by from what it looked liked wiping their mouth on you ooh. And for certain using their communicators. Bye.    

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