Monday 28 March 2011

The Master

The Master is a Time Lord who survived The Time War he's The Doctor's arch nemesis yes the Daleks and all but he's the biggy. He can regenerate, he's regenerated 6 times died less than The Doctor. May I mention the fourth one looks the best most of them have beards and like a vampire. The Master has a weird name why doesn't anyone talk about what The Master's name is. Try blogging your thoughts to me. The 6th master called himself Harold Saxon and the fifth master called himself DOCTOR Yana, yana standing for you are not alone that is what Captain Jack told him aka The Face Of Boe. Anyway I've never typed the 6th master usually you would say or type the 6th Doctor. The Master bought the toclafane that are humans from the future. That are in a silver sphere. The Master was born in Gallifrey in the era Rassilon. The second Master is literately a man with rock on him and fake eyes. Well you'll soon be rock if you keep on reading so bye. 

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