Monday 18 February 2013

Weeping Angel Review

They cry because they are ashamed that Moffat created them
In past posts I just told you info but now I am going to start to add what I think of them but not just by saying I like it so here is my weeping angel review. I used to find the Weeping Angels new, different and scary but now I hate them, Before you leave my blog for eternity as I said that please read why. The worst thing about them is how they are invincible. When I first saw the Weeping Angels I assumed that a powerful gun could kill them like Rose had a gun that was powerful enough to that Dalek, but you can't kill Weeping Angels. The Doctor usually finds a weakness or some connection but it's a smart connection or a difficult weakness to get to except how Donna sneaked up on the Sontaran with out noticing. Yes I know that when they look at each other they're trapped for ever but it rarely happens and something could occur between them. In Time of the Angels and Flesh and Stone The Doctor luckily had a crack in time and space to save them but it didn't make sense why Amy remembered the soldiers and not Rory unless she loved the soldiers more. Possibly she's into to soldiers and for some reason had no feelings for Rory as a soldier. Anyway and in Angels Take Manhattan they just left them there. I think Moffat has gone "Hang on I created an invincible alien!" and now he has made them unrealistically easy to get away from. For example in Flesh and Stone they take a while to open a metal locked door but can't open a wooden door locked by a sonic probe. Even though Moffat probably knows how stupidly good they are and if he hasn't then he needs to wake up but he still puts them in every series he made. My next issue is ,yes that entire thing you read was only one complaint, the fans.
So many people say my favourite aliens are the Weeping Angels and reply why not the Daleks or the Cybermen or the Ice Warriors which will be returning in series 7 part 2. Then I ask what's your favourite episode, personally I would would say Doomsday, and they say the Weeping Angels. What! What! What!!!!!! does that mean there is no episode called the Weeping Angels. It makes me think are Weeping Angels destroying Whovians as we know and that is not in a Dalek Invasion. Well if you agree please comment and if you don't agree that's fine as long as you stay on my blog. Bye.

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