The Daleks are by far my second favourite aliens. What I love most about them is how they have had a war. It makes you think much more of the characters and what position they're in. I think Terry Nation, creator of the Daleks in real life, wants wars to happen. The war against the Thals and when that was over they had a war against themselves. I love the shape of the Dalek as well. Everyone says they're not scary because they have a plunger and an egg whisker on them. But if you think about it Daleks are simply armour and weapons. In my book that's bad. Think about it something only made to kill. I do love the Daleks. Although nobody likes the recent Daleks I think they need metal as it looks stronger and more menacing. People say they look like a rainbow but the colour I am fine with the just shouldn't make it so bright. Just because- coughstevenmoffatcan'tmakegoodalienscough who said that anyway doesn't mean the Daleks are bad. Sorry this is so short compared to the Weeping Angels one I'm just better complaining. Bye.
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